So! I have just been hypnotized by this new "segment" shall I call it, of mini-sodes created by "Creative-control". They are simply WOW I don't have much to say but WOW lol. Surprisingly this company which has emerged from nowhere is owned by the ex co-owner of Rocafella records, Mr. Dame Dash. Real talk the only reason I know who Dame Dash is, is because I remeber a guy holding up the Roc in the back of all the Jay-Z videos. In retrospect it seems that I have not been giving Mr. Dash enoughh respect and I suspect many others haven't either, maybe its more to this man than gaudy jewelry and loud mouth. I mean there must be if he was able to co-own a multi million dollar record label with a rapper :-/. Maybe Dash ran the show and Jay-Z was just a figure head!?!? Hmmmmmm....lets wonder together...

"I wanted [Rocawear] to be sold at Bergdorf Goodman's, not Dr. Jay's!" - Dame Dash
I strongly advise Following this link...I have no suggestions because I feel all the videos are crack (the good kind lol)