In my favorite class IMAGES, we were having a basic lesson on what an image actually is and what is real vs. what we perceive as reality. The idea that an image in the media is not always what it seems, and how today more than ever an image should be held in the same categories as word of mouth or a piece of writing is very interesting to me. Like if I cant believe a freaking picture, an actual visual representation of a past event or person, really makes me wonder what can I believe? Is today's media that thirsty for perfection? They ("The Man") are taking the one document that could substantiate events or appearance and sodomizing it with doctorizations (lol yes I made that up), which brings a bit of should I say, "fear" to mind(no online dating for me). Seems that the world is a big reality TV show, "Survivor" maybe, everyone looking for that edge, a way to come ahead of the pack by any means necessary; I don't know who to trust. But I can't definitively say that ALL pictures are edited in some way shape or form but I can say be weary of your perception of reality vs. manufactured expectations, molded by today's media. Basically don't believe the shit you see on that bill board, "She ain't that cute"...lol