"You are never going to be the first one to speak but you are always going to be the first one to speak with your voice"

-J Smooth (iLL Doctrine)



On the many social networking sites I am currently logged on, it seems that this show "Bad Girls Club" has been the topic of choice for men and women alike. So I decided, Hey! why don't I check this show out, so I found out what channel it was on and tuned in, needles to say I was not entertained the least bit. I gave "Bad Girls Club" about 5 minutes to entertain me but I started to feel a sudden case a retardation falling upon me so I turned the channel before my drool hit my shirt. Now don't get me wrong I love senseless violence and half naked mid 20's women with swimsuit bodies showing them off every chance they get, but something about this show is how should I say, distasteful? Maybe I have reached my Reality TV limit FOREVER with it being one on every channel and all. But I am not a fan on TV to begin with honestly, if not for HBO, Sports and a select few shows (Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad and Rescue Me) I would have very little need for a TV. I mean I watch "The Office" and "Lost" on the computer lol, but I digress; Bad Girls Club is a piece of shyt show in my opinion and they have turned my pleasures of violence and half naked women into something "dirty", how dare they? I just hate to see beautiful women act so ugly, especially towards each other, both physically and verbally, it's a turn-off in my eyes. Sorry "Bad Girls Club" gets the boot.

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