"You are never going to be the first one to speak but you are always going to be the first one to speak with your voice"

-J Smooth (iLL Doctrine)


Yea My bad Joe...

I have been away from my blog for a while, not because I've been busy or occupied in other activities more important but simply because I haven't had much to say. I may have had some thoughts here and there but nothing I deemed worthy of your time, I feel that each topic I blog about should not only be because I like it but be something someone might wanna read and not something I read about on numerous blogs before. But like I said before this blog is not for YOU its MY thought and My opinions. If my thoughts aren't interesting enough for you I thank You for your time, but I will not compromise my craft (lol I had to giggle this is more of a Hobby but that sounds better). So yea random post but I felt I was obligated to post something explaining my absence, I hope I accomplished my goal. Now if that goal was not accomplished I'm sorry for waisting your time.

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