"You are never going to be the first one to speak but you are always going to be the first one to speak with your voice"

-J Smooth (iLL Doctrine)



I will be "that guy", everyone knows him(or her haha) and for those who don't you've heard of him(or her haha) or seen them. Everyone knows "that guy(or gal)" who wakes up at 12AM, just so they can wait in a line until 5AM, for the opportunity to purchase "it". "It", lately there have been a lot of "It's" for Americans, from Yeezy's to iPad's, "it" occurs a lot in a nation where peoples budget's should be anything but liquid, but thats another conversation for another day haha, I guess that's what makes America great, we always find a way to get what we want and what we need we get from someone else haha. But back to my "it", My "it" is the ever so anticipated Madvillainy 2. I will not explain what it is because I don't have the time to express my true feelings. So to give you a small taste of what I am referring to I posted a video. Now usually I am the guy throwing darts at "that guy", but what can I say everyone has a price, and Madvillainy 2 is mine. YES I will be "THAT GUY" once this Album comes to town my friends, hopefully you are not "that guy" along side me, so the lines are shorter haha. ENJOY!!!!

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