"You are never going to be the first one to speak but you are always going to be the first one to speak with your voice"

-J Smooth (iLL Doctrine)


Having Wardrobe Vs. Being "Fresh"

Well I have wondered about this for a while because most people think they are fresh simply because their outfit could pay someone's mortgage. So what is the difference between someone who has "Wardrobe" Vs. someone who is "Fresh"?

Well first we must establish what these terms mean, having (Expensive)Wardrobe in this sense is someone who has a lot of expensive clothes, Kid Robot, BBC, Lanvin, Ato, PRPS, etc... Then you have the term "Fresh", this is not easy to define because YOUR definition will more than likely be different from MY definition. I can't even start to formulate one so just bare with me ok? ok...

Now you might be thinking well if I have a lot of nice expensive clothes I must be "Fresh", right? I must disagree I feel that having the nicest most expensive clothes only makes being fresh that much easier. Having the tools is only part of the job how will you use the tools is another. Some may not look good in certain clothes or may not take advantage of their wardrobe as they should. While someone else who has a less expensive wardrobe may have items that fit them better. Also the way they put outfits together may look way better than the person who spent twice as much on their wardrobe and simply tossed on whatever had the same color.

To me it is all about the fit and how you wear your clothes just as much as it's about what you are wearing. I am definitely not saying someone shouldn't buy expensive clothes, but I am saying that it doesn't make one "Fresh" and people should not become wrapped up in only the brand and take into consideration how certain items fit you and what looks good; don't just buy it because it's cost a lot of money and people are going to recognize that. But that goes with saying that in my opinion it all depends on what you consider "Fresh"...

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